Thursday, September 22, 2011

The People we need to send to Washington and our State Capital.

We the people shall seek for a Sojourner Truth, a leading advocate of the abolitionist act of abolishing a system, practice or institution which gives the Government more power than what the Constitution has already granted by laws determining the fundamental political principles of our government when this constitution was written at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 and subsequently ratified by the original thirteen states. This has to show us we need a person who, tells the truth, nothing but the truth and is willing to swear to the truth so help them GOD. Finding people who will serve in places of authority knowing that GOD has called them to serve America.  Also they will not serve special interest or lobbing groups or their own self interest. There walk, talk and speech shall show this without any moral decline. There actions with their families or their fellow Congress or Senate constituents shall show the highest levels of integrity.  Also they will work together for the good of the People and the America they serve. They shall not be a person given to undermining the United States of America but shall be at the ready to give a good report at anytime to defended the United States of America one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all.